2008Toyota Hiace Siyaya Taxi | Rainbow nation transportation
Taxis in South Africa. They may not always adhere to the street code of conduct and find make their own way around traffic jams. They may not always yield to somebody that has the right of way or cut in front of you. But – they do provide (more or less) reliable transportation for many people, who can’t afford to own a vehicle. I especially like the colorful and well kept ones in Durban. The old-school Toyota Hiace Siyaya is my favorite body style, even though the newer models have more safety features and are equipped with air-conditioning. I found these two beautiful Siyaya Taxis in Durban, near the uShaka marine world.
Mkhululi Wellington Kapo
I wish to know if you are selling this taxi it will be how much? Also if you not then to make it like this how much and how long did it take and cost you? Because I also have a Toyota Siyaya I want to pimp it soon, reply to my email as soon as you can. 2 colour taxi: Blue and white in colour.
Hello Mkhululi,
thank you for your comment. I do not own these Siyaya Taxis. I just took a couple of pictures while visiting Durban. You would need to contact the owner of this or similar taxis to find out about cost, etc.
Please make sure to send some pictures when you are finished, OK? Thanks in advance.
Themba Mazibuko
Hi! I am interested in buying this taxi. How much is it , does it need deposit, installment?
Hello Themba,
the pictures are from 2007/2008. I don’t know if these Toyotas still exist. It would be your best chance to ask some people in the Durban Taxi driver scene. Good luck, I hope you can locate the owner.
Best regards
Mahlubi Manama
The taxis of my dream. Mmmmhhhh! They are very very beautiful!
Yellow and Blue | Day one | drive-by snapshots
[…] has a colorful fleet of taxis and cabs, mostly consisting of Toyota Hiace Siyaya vans. But every now and then you can spot something unique. Even better if it is the car known to […]
I like to drive of one this Taxis. What must I do to drive it? I love Taxis and have code 14 with pdp. They are very nice.
Keep up da gud work coz u also open our eyes as taxi owners on how to make a van big up, boss. Thanx!
Really I need to buy blue taxi, so where can I find the owner of it? Please help me my friends, I have cash in hand.
I also need to see interior of this taxi, I want to own it sheeeem.
I need to have my taxi printed like the blue one, who can do that for me?
South African Nissan Bakkie 1200 & 1400 | Drive-by Snapshots
[…] around near Durban harbor one weekend, I found a pair of colorful Toyta Hiace Siyaya taxis and this random pick-up, parked in front of the Seamens Institute and […]
South African Nissan Bakkie 1200 & 1400 | Sebastian Motsch
[…] around near Durban harbor one weekend, I found a pair of colorful Toyta Hiace Siyaya taxis and this random pick-up, parked in front of the Seamens Institute and […]