2014Drive-by Snapshots | The first three months
Drive-by Snapshots | The first three months
The motivation
Yes! I do love traveling by car. It all started when I was sitting in the back seat as a young boy, traveling long distance with my parents. Looking out of the window at the various landscapes, cloud formations, towns, cities and the odd church has been fascinating as a child. This fascination evolved over the years. I used to ride my bicycle everywhere to take pictures of classic vehicles – with my eyes, saving them to my memory because I didn’t have a camera back then. Eventually I acquired a camera, got my drivers’ license and bought my first car.
Ever since then I quite enjoy to drive without having a destination. Wherever the road takes me, there is usually something interesting around the next corner just waiting to be photographed. Actually, the best findings always showed up while I was lost somewhere in foreign areas and countries. Mind you – I started to take this kind of pictures well before GPS navigation was available to the general public.
Doing this year after year has filled the archive with literally thousands of pictures. Adding this kind of pictures to regular travel reports often resulted in negative feedback: “Why do you take pictures of that old junk?” Well… because I have an incurable addiction to everything even remotely connected to the automotive world – and I love to take pictures.
The initial idea
Having great friends that are equally mad about cars eventually led to the idea of creating a new kind of blog. Something that has not been done before: writing a travel blog covering mostly only automotive topics. Whatever the subject may be and regardless of where it was found – it may be featured here at Drive-by Snapshots.
The blog was launched on the last day of 2013, just before heading of to celebrate New Years with friends. To be honest, it was a rather spontaneous idea to do it this way and there was no fancy concept covering all eventualities. I just started blogging about the vehicles I had found during my travels in previous years. First only read by a few like-minded friends, the word eventually spread and the audience is growing ever since. A big THANK YOU to everybody for the great support and feedback!
In response to requests for a better search function, I added a new page called Filter last weekend. According to your interest, you may select a country or manufacturer and browse the results as you please.
The future
Quite frankly – I have no idea where this is headed. It started out as a fun project for friends, but eventually it became more popular. Meanwhile, I receive pictures intended to be posted from friends who are traveling or living in other countries. Therefore Drive-by Snapshots will feature guest posts from now on – stay tuned!
Sincerely yours
Sebastian Motsch
PS: Feedback is always appreciated – be it positive or negative. >> driver.seb@web.de
A true survivor | drive-by snapshots
[…] promised in the last post, Drive-by Snapshots now has a new section featuring guest posts. My dear friend Hanna currently […]