2009Dinosaur scares Willem Lambretta
My girlfriend tried to scare me while pointing out the obvious. Oh well I thought and pretended to be calm and totally in control of the situation – while flicking on the high beams of my Impala brown 190E. Remember the day in driving school, when they told you that deer and many other animals freeze and subsequently don’t move, due to temporary blindness? Gotta tell you – it works mighty fine to stop a French dino in its’ tracks. Just look at his eye.
Having never visited a driving school to get a proper license, the little Willem Fourgonette across the road didn’t know about this trick. He hastily tried to hide between a bush and the 100% dino-proof fence. He was so excited from the adrenalin rush…
… that he lost part of his smile in the process. Dinos are scary beasts, after all and you better try to be invisible!
If you look closely, you can see his microcar buddy hiding behind the office building.
When realizing that the immediate danger of a microcar-hungry dino was over, a smirk appeared on his face. We thought he was just happy not to have leaked from the 250cc Lambretta engine, wetting the pavement. Now that would have been embarrassing!
Fortunately a local gentleman calmed the dino with a take-away pizza and we could continue our journey without worrying about the little cars in Aigueperse 🙂