Matching Backgrounds | Three Flavours of Rover
Over the years, I have taken quite a few pictures where the subject and the background match perfectly – be it color, style or period correct settings. Fix yourself a cup of tea, lean back and enjoy three flavors of Rover: grandpa, son and grandson.
We tried to spot the famous Glen Seilisdeir sea eagles at the Isle of Mull, but failed miserably due to cold and rainy weather. Later on the same day, we encountered torrential rain on our way from the Iona Ferry Terminal to Craignure. The road was flooded and I jumped out of the Hyundai Terracan, armed with an umbrella and my trusty Canon DSLR. I awaited their return to take a couple of splash pictures, pointing the camera at the road. And moments later… a speeding Mercedes-Benz came around the bend. He slammed hard on the brakes, probably thinking that I’m a policeman with a speed gun. If he would have hit the flooded section at the speed he was going, he would have crashed. After wading through the flooded section he even stopped and said thank you. Friendly people, those Scots!
After looking at the famous Clachan Bridge and checking out the slate pits on Easdale Island, we deliberately took a ‘wrong’ turn on the way back to Oban. Taking such a turn usually isn’t such a bad thing, as it often leads to interesting places. In this case we ended up at the Cuan-Seil ferry across the Cuan Sound. Quite literally at the end of the road, we found a nice Scorpion Sports Cruiser called Hot Lemon. The lettering on the side pointed out, that this particular boat holds the record for the fastest loop around the UK at 31 hrs and 22 min. Check out the Hot Lemon website, to read about many more records they set. The little boat in the water was in a rather sorry shape and isn’t going to to set any records soon with the engine partially submerged.
We visited the Isle of Mull on a rather wet day in October 2013. Because most cats don’t enjoy rain, we unfortunately didn’t see the famous Tobermory Cat while visiting the beautiful town. However, we did find the not yet famous Tobermory Caddy.
Early October 2013, on our way from Glasgow to Kilchrenan. We stopped briefly at Loch Lomond to take a quick look around.
The day was cold and grey, but the Volkswagen T3 Camper we found in the parking lot was beautifully painted with bright colors.
In order to be able to reduce the speed, as ordered by the Scottish road sign in the opening picture, you have to gain momentum beforehand. To do so, we hopped in uncle Brians’ Hyundai Terracan, took the WRC special stage like road from Kilchrenan to Taynuilt (slowly) and then headed towards Oban.
Practice makes perfect and the locals have plenty of experience in reducing their speed. If you practice hard enough, you might one day be able to reduce your speed to zero exactly like the gentleman who precisely stopped his beautiful red Alfa Romeo 159 in front of The Wee Gallery in Oban.
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