2014BMW 318is E30 | Double the fun
The big portal crane in the Regensburg harbor didn’t only make a great location for the BMW E30 photo shooting, but also paid hommage to the 3-series predecessor by sporting the correct number.
After attending the event yesterday, we decided to see if there are any other spots in the Regensburg harbor suitable as backgrounds for automotive photography. We wanted to take some pictures of the diamond black 318is pair, because we totally forgot to do it last time around when the cars met at the Oldtimer Grand Prix 2013. Excuse me? A pair of 318is? Yeah, right! Both cars are equipped with the fabulous M42 engine, which was never available in the convertible from the factory. All in all it was a great day out, with the weather providing the perfect atmosphere and light. Today it was raining heavily all day long…
Roland Pregler
I enjoyed the shooting so much! Thanks Seb for the beautiful pics!
You’re welcome, Roland. It was a pleasure.
Best regards
An important birthday to be celebrated soon | drive-by snapshots
[…] pictures of the diamond black 318is beauties on Sunday reminded me of something. A couple of weeks ago, while looking for Drive-by Snapshots in […]